The Best Manga reader for manga and comics lovers.

Discover, Read thousands of manga & comics online or offline!

Huge Manga Library
– More then 30,000+ collections of manga.
– Fast update.

Unlimited Downloads
– Download manga to your device for offline read.
– Smart speed optimizer to save battery & data usage.

Easy Discovery
– Search manga by title, genres or author.
– Remember your search history automatically.

Best Viewer
– View manga in horizontal or vertical mode.
– Light or Dark theme available.

If you like Manga Cookie, please recommend it to your friends! Suggestions and feedback are always welcome!

Note: Manga in this app are Copyright Free and Royalties Free, so the amount of manga are limited. Any copyright concerns are sent it to the copyright team and will address any questions you have.

Disclaimer – Manga Cookie does not own or host any content. It simply parse and render manga sites in a convenient, user-friendly interface. Please email any questions or concerns to us.

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